√1000以上 anime cd cover art 240249
The cover art and other images in the liner notes can be set behind the lenticular "lens" to create an effect of sequential animation European pressings of the CD featured a standard case, and the insert contained a catalog of sixteen fictional and humorously titled "other albums available byHIGH ARTISTIC QUALITY ART FOR MUSIC RELEASES The Largest Collection of Quality Album Covers for all Music Genres Once a cover is sold it will never be sold again PRICES FROM € 30 ($37) / INSTANT DOWNLOAD AT PURCHASE / MORE THAN 00 COVERS TO CHOOSE FROMShop 3000 Premade Anime Album Covers Premade Anime Art Covering every genre from classical music to rock & metal Customize the covers online before buying With Live Build, Preview and 3D Rendering Both modern and classical covers All designs are only sold once Artstation Neotokio3 Spirited Away Just Like Chihiro Cd Song Covers Neotokio3 Anime cd cover art